Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Star Wars E3 DF09 CRAB DROID

Star Wars E3 DF09 CRAB DROID

Price: Check Price!

  • Moving Legs and Missil Launcher!
  • Insert missile and press button to fire!
  • Press button to make legs move!

On the sinkhole planet of Utapau, the Separatist forces send in crab droids that can move easily over the rough, rocky terrian. The launcher under their center section launches powerful missiles.Part of the Separatist army, crab droids appeared briefly in Revenge of the Sith, traversing the sinkhole planet of Utapau, hideout of General Grievous. This copper-colored replica--part of Hasbro’s line of Sith toys--features six crab legs that snap into place on the torso. Press a button and the legs move, though usually not enough to carry the droid; the toy seems to struggle under its own weight. Another button at the rear activates a missile launcher attached to the droid’s underbelly. Unfortunately, though, the launcher keeps falling out. Ultimately the toy is cool-looking but not all that functional, and probably for die-hards only. --Andy Boynton Read more >>

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Star Wars E3 DF09 CRAB DROID

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